
Parquet floor dark

Dark parquet flooring for style and elegance
Those who value a sophisticated living ambience can very well decide in favour of parquet flooring. This is available either in a light appearance or a design which is rather dark. In between there are many intermediate colours, so that the right floor for every parquet friend is represented in the range. The parquet also combines numerous advantages, such as the durability of this floor covering, the simple laying technique and the warm, authentic appearance. Because of these and other advantages, parquet flooring is often used for a beautiful home in a class of its own. As a rule, the parquet can either be glued over the entire surface or laid as a floating floor, depending on the model. Before we start to find the right parquet for you, some important aspects can be considered and questions can be answered. For example, questions such as what grain the parquet should have, what type of wood or what thickness. Is the floor laid over underfloor heating? These and similar questions provide information about which soil is best suited to the specific situation.
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  • Parquet is durable
  • Uncomplicated maintenance
  • Authentic design
  • Laying made easy
Parquet combines quality and appearance
If you have gone through the various questions before making your choice and have answered them for yourself, you can then take care of the question of the right colour shade. A parquet floor that looks dark is just as popular as the light colours. If you would like to know exactly how the respective colour tone looks in bright daylight, simply add a free sample to your shopping cart. Then the selected design offers long-term pleasure, as there are no unpleasant surprises in terms of appearance. You can also order different samples and compare them with each other. Sometimes it can also make sense to leave various samples on the table for a few days and to take a look at the colours at first. After some time it is usually quite clear which soil should be the favourite. With this approach, every aesthete becomes an interior decorator for his apartment or house.