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...when floating parquet elements show hollow spots?
There are several causes, one would be a subfloor that is not level or the distance joint to the walls was not maintained. In this case, the all-around distance joint can be reworked, in which case the parquet elements can expand sufficiently and can lie snugly on the subfloor. However, if the hollow spots have occurred because the subfloor has unevenness, these parquet elements must be removed and replaced with new ones, because the panels cannot be reused due to gluing in tongue and groove. The unevenness of the subfloor must be repaired either with suitable filling compounds or an insulating carpet pad made of cork, rubber granulate, etc.
Parquet elements that have been laid floating with a click system can be removed more easily and after the unevenness of the subfloor has been repaired with a leveling compound or insulating carpet pad.
...if hollow spots occur in a fully glued parquet floor?
In this case, the subfloor may be uneven, which means that the parquet elements do not fully bond with the subfloor. Smaller hollow spots can be evened out with a special sprayer. Here, a solvent-based glue, polyurethane or two-component epoxy resin is used and sprayed under the panels . Water-based glue is less suitable, as swelling of the wood would be possible, causing further damage. If a disposable syringe from the pharmacy is used, only a small hole of approx. 1 - 2 mm is drilled into the panels , which is closed with wood putty or wood wax after spraying underneath. If larger cavities are treated, the individual parquet elements are removed, this is relatively easy, as these elements are not fully connected to the subfloor, but work should be done very carefully. The subfloor is corrected and the adjacent loose panels are laterally injected with the solvent-based adhesive. The same is done with parquet elements that were laid floating with a click system. Dismantling is quick and easy. The subfloor is leveled with leveling compound or an intermediate insulation layer and then covered again with the parquet elements.
...if the parquet curves?
Here again, there are various causes. If the parquet was processed with dispersion adhesives, short-term bulging may occur, but this will subside after a short time. This is because the wood moisture that has occurred in the process may have caused a bulge. Watery parquet seals can also cause short-term bulging. Experience shows that the parquet elements will settle again after some time.
Bulging can occur if not enough care has been taken with the expansion joints. If the expansion joints are too small and prevent the expansion of the parquet elements, they can be recut.
...when parquet elements cupping?
Cupping can occur if the moisture content of the installed parquet varies. This is usually harmless, because the drying process of the wood will automatically reduce the cupping.
...if joints have appeared?
It is basically normal for a natural material to cause uniform joint formation in wood flooring. Dry room climatic conditions can positively influence the formation of joints by humidification devices. Also, the joint width depends on the individual wood species and the design of the individual elements. Oversized joints can be assessed by an expert, as a wide variety of causes may be involved.
What to do...
...if the living area is particularly sound-sensitive
Here, advice should be sought from a specialist dealer, as a wide variety of impact sound insulation products can provide a remedy. Elastic insulating underlays can be glued to the subfloor and the parquet is glued to this over the entire surface . The living quality is considerably increased, because the room sound is strongly reduced by the impact sound insulation.
...bei Parkett in einer Mietwohnung
The noble radiant emittance of the parquet floor should cause each tenant to maintain this particularly carefully. Care instructions should be available to instruct even the inexperienced in it. After all, any damage to the parquet floor and its restoration will be the responsibility of the landlord after the tenant moves out. However, it is always cheaper to sand and reseal a parquet floor than to replace an existing plastic or carpet floor. If the tenant wants to install a parquet floor in the rented apartment, it is possible to discuss whether the landlord should bear the costs or perhaps reduce the rent.
...if there are allergy sufferers in the family?
Parquet floors are the most favorable floors for allergy sufferers even for house dust allergy sufferers. Parquet can be wiped damp with a damp cloth to remove dust. Since allergy-triggering factors can vary widely, the attending physician should be consulted to determine the safety of the floor construction. As adhesives and for subfloor preparation, emission-free materials should be used, so-called ECI products. Wood floors are generally allergy-friendly floors and have proven to be very effective.
...for different floor heights?
Different floor heights should be compensated for if possible. The difference in height can be corrected either by fillers; by insulation layers or wood-based panels. Also, parquet flooring of different thicknesses has proven its worth. The look of the room gains elegance when the floor has been adjusted flat.
Image Fotolia: #26030225 | Author: Frank Boston